Why isn't Play Market working?

Probably many users of the Android operating system have faced this question "Why is the Play Market not working?" Service Play Market may not work for a variety of reasons, such as technical problems of the service itself or because of your device itself, which runs on the operating platform Android.

There are many solutions to problems that may not work Google Play. Let's take a look at some of the solutions to such a problem:

The first thing you should do if you can't enter, not working Play Store, is to reboot your device. If there is still a problem after rebooting, go to the second point of solving the problem.

Reset the service settings or update the Google Play Market, to do this, go to the settings menu of your device and select the "Applications" section, then find the position of Google Play Market. After that, clear the Cache or "Erase data". Now reboot your device.

Is the problem not solved? Then delete all updates of the Google Play Market service. To do this, search for delete service updates in the app.

Reset Google Play application settings is quite simple, you need to go to "Settings", open the "Applications" section, then enter the service Google Play, then open the program menu and again "Clear cache".

Activation of the "Download Manager", this is if for some reason the "Download Manager" was disabled. To do this, enter the settings menu, then go to "All" and click on the enable button.

Delete your Google account. Attention: This may lead to loss of important information, so it is worth doing a data synchronization on your device beforehand. After opening the sync or backup menu, select the items you want to keep. Just click on the sections you want to keep.

Application incompatibility? This can happen after you have independently installed applications that were able to affect the work of the Play Store. There can be a large number of such applications.

Resetting the settings of your Android device. Resetting all the settings will lead to the loss of all data stored on your device and return your device to its factory settings. To do this, go to the Android menu and select "Restore and Reset", then you need to confirm your action by clicking on "Reset Settings".

Check your Internet connection. Account is disabled? Go to the service menu and turn it on. Activate your Play Store account;
Check the date and time on your device.